Private Residence Leawood, KS, Visit 2
Location Information
Date:30th July, 2004 Type:Residential
Location Title:Private Residence, Visit 2 City/State:Leawood, KS
Investigation Times:08:45 PM - 12:30 AM Status:Analysis
Weather Information
Sunrise:06:18 AM Sunset:08:31 PM
High Temperature:82 °F Low Temperature:64 °F
Sky Condition:Clear Wind:W at 6 mph
Humidity:100% Precipitation:0%
Lunar Phase:Full Moon % disk visible:100%
Solar X-Rays:Active Geomagnetic Field:Quiet
Investigators Present
Bryan Kaplan
Hugh McLenaghan
Kelli Patrick
Becky Ray
Question: How long have you lived here?
Answer: 18 years
Question: When did the phenomena start?
Answer: December 2003
Question: Any certain hour of the day or certain rooms?
Answer: Master Bedroom Door generally happens at 6-630am, other stuff occurs at 2am hour
Question: Any visual apparations?
Answer: no
Question: How do the visual apparitions appear?
Answer: no
Question: Have there been any movements of objects that you see?
Answer: door knob to master bedroom has been jiggled and door has been opened. kids playroom door has been shut.
Question: Any apports (things appearing out of nowhere)?
Answer: no
Question: Any teleportation (things moving from one place to another)?
Answer: no
Question: Any sounds?
Answer: footsteps
Question: Any music?
Answer: no
Question: Any voices? What do they say?
Answer: no
Question: Any cold spots?
Answer: no
Question: Any rushes of wind?
Answer: no
Question: Any touches or caresses?
Answer: no
Question: Any physical attacks?
Answer: no
Question: Any smells?
Answer: no
Question: Are you or any member of the family under stress?
Answer: normal level of stress
Question: Any past investigations, priests or clergy?
Answer: original owners had home blessed
Question: Any use of Ouija boards, seances, automatic writing, etc?
Answer: no
Question: Have you taken any courses in parapsychology or have knowledge of?
Answer: no
Question: Did previous occupants, neighbors or landlords know of phenomena?
Answer: no past phenomena experienced
Question: How did you find out about the group?
Answer: searched the web (google)
Question: How far back can you trace the history of the property?
Answer: house is 18 years old
Investigators Notes
Bryan Kaplan:This time around the home felt differently. The first time in the home I felt this charge around the whole home and this time around it wasn't as "in your face". However, the basement bedroom still had near the same feel to it.
Hugh McLenaghan:Like the others, this time in the house felt different. It felt more at ease. No unusual feelings, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary.
Kelli Patrick:This is the second investigation we have done at this house and we noticed an immediate difference between the first time and this time. The first time, there was a "heaviness" in a couple of rooms. There were plenty of cold spots and our EMF detectors went crazy. We had a lot of orbs in our photos, too. On our second visit, the "heaviness" was much lighter. The atmosphere was happier. Our EMF detector went off in some areas, but not as much as it did. When talking with the owner, I asked about his oldest child. He mentioned during the first investigation that they believed the daughter was about to go through puberty. At the time of this investigation, I asked and he said she is now going through it. They even thought there was a lighter atmosphere in the home, but were still feeling and seeing the same things they had before.
Becky Ray:This visit to this home was quite different from our previous visit. Almost everything about the house felt totally different. The weight that seemed to fill every room previously was gone and for the most part the home was welcoming. When I entered the downstairs guest room during the daylight hours, I felt fine, but later that night after dark, when I entered that same room, I felt as if a weight had hit me hard in the chest and had to sit down and rest as my head was spinning. But as I stated earlier, almost everywhere else in this home seems to be fine at this time. I took several photos at various places throughout the home, but did not record any anomalies.
Previous Investigations at this Location
This EVP was captured on the 2nd recorder that ran at the same time as the first recorder. You will hear a voice say "What the heck"
Submitted by Bryan
This EVP was found on the second recorder (which ran at simultaneously with the other recorder). The investigators were in the kitchen with the homeowners.
Submitted by Bryan
This EVP was recorded on the 2nd recorder (which ran simultaneously with the main recorder). Bryan and Becky were in the basement bedroom when this was recorded. Becky was making a comment regarding the fact that she failed to bring her videotapes downstairs with her. You will hear a voice say "Should she...Becky".
Submitted by Bryan
This EVP was found on the 2nd recorder which was recording simultaneously next to the other recorder. You will hear a voice say "I'm pregnant".
Submitted by Bryan
It appears this EVP says, "My problem is with you, shut up."
Submitted by Bryan
This EVP was found on the 2nd recorder that was running simultaneously with the other recorder. You will hear a voice say "hello people" followed by myself saying "Hello my name is Bryan, what's yours."
Submitted by Bryan
You will hear a voice say "I like you".
Submitted by Bryan
This EVP, recorded by Bryan, takes place in the homeowners kitchen. You will hear a kitchen appliance running in the background. It seems this EVP was in part formed thanks to the use of the kitchen appliance. You will hear what seems to be a young male voice say "Can't Form There". As far as what this E.V.P. means...well my guess would be that it's possible that it's difficult to communicate with us in the kitchen of the home.
Submitted by Bryan
You will first hear the female homeowner making a statement of where we should go next, followed a male voice saying "Couldn't pick your pocket."
Submitted by Bryan
This EVP was recorded in the Master Bathroom of the home. The husband of the home was sharing a story about how him and his wife were in the hot tub when a lightswitch (as well as the light) had be flipped on by itself. You will hear a young male voice say "Not Involved In".
Submitted by Bryan
This EVP was recorded in the basement of the home. You will hear what seems to be a young boys voice say "Hey" followed by an older man's voice say "Deborah". I am not sure if there has ever been a Deborah that's lived in the home or on the land.
Submitted by Bryan
This EVP was also recorded in the Basement of the home. It either states Left Her or Loved her. Following the EVP you will hear the husband of the home say, "What?"
Submitted by Bryan
This EVP recorded in the homeowners Basement says "He Knows He Knows". What he knows I have no clue, nor do I know who the "he" this voice is speaking of.
Submitted by Bryan
This EVP was recorded right after the "he knows" EVP. It appears to say "We Hold" (though others have told me that they have heard "We Cold". Perhaps they were in the bedroom that's in the basement, which happens to be pretty cold.
Submitted by Bryan
You will hear the homeowners in the background speak a little and then an unknown voice says "Freaky"
Submitted by Bryan
You will hear one of the homeowners talk in the background followed by a voice state, "Put the down."
Submitted by Bryan
You will hear Kelli comment that she's cold, followed by a short discussion about Hugh taking a flash picture and Kelli thanking Hugh and commenting how she can see where he's at, followed by an unknown voice saying, "You Look Warm."
Submitted by Bryan
You will hear the male homeowner say "Really?" followed by a voice saying "Puppy" then a short bit of silence then another voice says "Puppy".
Submitted by Bryan