The Lemp Mansion
Location Information
Date:17th June, 2004 Type:Business
Location Title:The Lemp Mansion City/State:St. Louis, MO
Investigation Times:09:00 PM - 02:00 AM Status:Analysis
Weather Information
Sunrise:05:36 AM Sunset:08:28 PM
High Temperature:88 °F Low Temperature:74 °F
Sky Condition:Overcast Wind:SSW at 6 mph
Humidity:94% Precipitation:90%
Lunar Phase:Waning Crescent % disk visible:0%
Solar X-Rays:Active Geomagnetic Field:Quiet
Investigators Present
Bryan Kaplan
Brianne Larkin
Mike Larkin
Beth McLenaghan
Hugh McLenaghan
Becky Ray
Harold Ray
Investigators Notes
Becky Ray:What a night this was! I took several rolls of film, and eight hours of video, and I'm still going through it all.
I had the pleasure of staying in the Elsa Lemp Suite on the top floor of the mansion (otherwise known as the attic). For those familiar with the legend of "monkey boy," this room is next door.
From my first arrival at the doorway to this room, I had a strong feeling that something was wrong. My EMF detector went wild in the doorway to the room every time I walked through the threshold until the time I entered to go to bed. It was quiet then.
I fell asleep sometime between 3:00am and 3:30am, but was awakened around 4:00am by my bed shaking! It wasn't an exorcist shake, but more like someone standing next to it bumping it with their knee. It continued after I was awake until I sat up in bed to see if my video camera was still rolling. It wasn't, of course.
This EVP was recorded while I was setting up a video camera at the top of the stairs. (repeated 3 times)
Submitted by Hugh
This EVP was captured on a recorder that was left on a small table in the William Lemp Suite. Investigator Bryan announces the time and then states he is going to leave another recorder in the Lavender Suite's bathroom. You will then hear someone let out a breath directly into the microphone (no other investigators were by the recorder at the time.)
Submitted by Bryan
This was recorded while I was setting up a camera in one of the bedrooms. This will play 3 times.
Submitted by Hugh
This was recorded while I was still setting up the camera. There is a noise followed by a female voice saying howdy.
Submitted by Hugh
This EVP was recorded on the recorder left on a table in the William Lemp Suite. During the first time the clip plays you will first hear the EVP (unamped) followed by Investigators Bryan and Brianne talking. The EVP says "Right behind me, be right here."
Submitted by Bryan
This EVP was found on the recorder left on a table in the William Lemp Suite. You will hear Bryan ask about the barber chair in the room (as to why he had it) and you will then hear a voice say "'cuz he died." No one in the group stated made this comment.
Submitted by Bryan
This EVP was recorded on the recorder left on the table in the William Lemp Suite. If you ask the owners of the Lemp Mansion they will tell you a story about Charles Lemp killing his dog so that it wouldn't have to be left alone in the home after he killed himself. This story has since been proven incorrect, however there have been stories about people hearing a dog running through and/or barking in the hallways of the mansion. In this clip you will clearly hear a dog bark two times and then pant. Followed by Investigator Harold comment "Oh, we have a friend here."
Submitted by Bryan
This EVP is from the recorder left on a table in the William Lemp Suite. There were a couple instances where the barber chair in the William Lemp Suite would move while people sat in it. An investigator was motioning their EMF detector over the chair while someone was sitting on it to see what they would get. You will hear a voice say, "Cheer it on".
Submitted by Bryan
This EVP was recorded on the recorder left on the table in the William Lemp Suite. Harold was looking at a mirror that was mounted on the wall in the bedroom. You will hear Becky make a comment followed by a voice saying, "Nuts Ya'all".
Submitted by Bryan
At the time this was recorded, all of the investigators were downstairs in the William Lemp Suite. No one else was present in the mansion except for a few employees cleaning up in the kitchen downstairs. For at least 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after this was recorded, the only sounds present are traffic driving by and the pedestal fan in the room. Very faintly at the beginning of this recording soft footsteps can be heard. What I hear next is either a door rattling, or perhaps a drawer being opened, or maybe even the old metal latches on a suitcase, followed by what I thought initially was a woman's laugh, then footsteps that fade.
Submitted by Becky
Again this EVP was recorded on the recorder left in the William Lemp Suite. Everyone but Hugh and Beth went outside to look at the back of the mansion. You will hear a faint EVP say, "Can you hear me?" followed by some silence and then Hugh saying, "Hello?" because he thought he heard someone talk. If you listen closely you will also hear, "I do," being said (but it's even more quiet). None of the investigators said this.
Submitted by Bryan
You will hear the EMF detector going off in the background. You will hear Bryan say Mr. Lemp followed by a voice saying "turn off your lights fool".
Submitted by Bryan
This EVP was recorded on the recorder left in the William Lemp Suite. None of the investigators were in the room at the time. You will hear someone say "Booker, Look Back".
Submitted by Bryan
This was taken after several of the investigators had just come up from looking around downstairs. This recording is noisy since it was from a video recorded without an external microphone.
Submitted by Hugh
The investigators were walking upstairs towards the attic of Lemp Mansion to the Elsa Lemp Suite. You will hear varied conversation between the investigators followed by a high pitched giggle.
Submitted by Bryan
Seems like the Lemp Mansion dog was following us around the house. Here you will hear the dog yelp after a noise.
Submitted by Bryan
The Investigators were in the Charles Lemp Suite when this EVP was recorded.
Submitted by Bryan
You will hear Hugh comment "come on give me more action." followed by a voice saying "Be Careful".
Submitted by Bryan
While it's easy to tell that this is an EVP, it's hard to make out what exactly its saying. Though I can make out the last word "Trunk". At one point I thought it said "someone let us out of the trunk".
Submitted by Bryan
This is the barber chair in the William Lemp Suite. When two different female investigators sat in the chair it spun on its own. However when males would sit in it nothing would happen. Submitted by Beth
As Bri sat in the chair it began to spin. We attempted to take EMF readings while this was happening but noted not significant change.
this photo took several going overs before I noticed that the left side of the photo was obscured by a dark mist, or shadow. This is the only photo out of 144 taken by me that night to have this anomaly in it. At first I thought that maybe it was due to the lamp in the photo, but if you look, you'll see that this lamp is not turned on. The only light on in the room was the overhead light, and it fell evenly throughout the room.
This is the barber chair in the William Lemp Suite. When two different female investigators sat in the chair it spun on its own. However when males would sit in it nothing would happen. Submitted by Beth